Wild Ink / Red Bud
Trying the cold method to extract color of the red Bud flower. Honestly, I was ready to give up on this experiment. The water sat for 24 hours with barely any color. At 48 hours I was ready to toss the contents into the compost bin when I realized there was the faintest hue of pink and decided ‘what the hell’ let’s condense this and see what happens. It’s all trial + error anyway. I am so glad I saw this one through. The faintest, most delicate pink hue was the results.
The final color study was paired with inks of grape hyacinth + violet flowers
You can see the water barely changed colors, where as the grape hyacinth on the right changed immediately.
Even after 24 hours (top pic) not much color was extracted. The bottom pic shows the Faintest of colors I condensed down.
The lighter sections is the red Bud ink but blending with the other wild inks created new colors and shades.