About Me - Part 2 Surface Pattern Design
Late in 2018, I started to see patterns emerging in my mind during some meditation sessions. I took it as a nudge from The Universe to play around with this. Over the next year, I started experimenting with different techniques and I started to find hidden patterns in my art. I have always believed that everything in life is connected. There are so many things in life we can’t explain, synchronicities that happen, divine timing. I started pulling out beautiful and complex patterns in my art and knew this was something BIG and BEAUTIFUL.
Surface Pattern Design can be found on anything and everything. It’s on the fabric on your clothes, the wallpaper and pillows in your home, your furniture, your rug, your coffee mug, your planner and notebooks. It’s literally everywhere. Look around and you will see designs everywhere- and someone designed it. This is a new path for me and my work but I am thrilled to see where it will take me. I hope you will continue to follow along with me on this endeavour; you never know- my designs could end up on a product you use one day!
Sarah hart morgan
Sarah hart morgan