Following the breadcrumbs
This year has been interesting on so many levels. When quarantine first hit, I spent the first 2 months or so catching up on lots of projects. Editing backlogs of images, submitting new work to companies I work with, working on my website, etc. but when all that was done I was tired. Tired of being on the computer all day, working my day job from home now and doing all of the art catchup I had been doing. I needed a break. My eyes needed a break. My brain needed a break, my body needed a break. I am always on the hunt for new mediums to try, new experiments to dabble in, new rabbit holes to fall down. And let me tell ya- I fell down some, hard and fast!
One such rabbit hole was making inks from wild plants. That project led to a fun body of work I have yet to share - but hope to soon! After that came MANY rabbit holes down into alternative photography and more specifically to camera less photography. I worked with lumen prints, chemigrams, and anthotypes. These experiments have led to my current work. I’m not even sure what to call the process but I will be sharing it with you very soon!
The Alchemy Collection was also born during this time as I studied light leaks and souping film before processing.
All of this to say that while I had no idea where all of this was taking me, I knew I was enjoying the process. I love learning new techniques and I’ve been learning more about nature, plants, and energy and I LOVE IT! I think it’s so important to never stop learning, especially when it comes to our passions.
If you have been itching to try something new, what are you waiting for? You never know where it may lead you.