Nothing to Prove
Some thoughts that have been lingering during this full moon energy:
If you create something and don’t share it on the 34,592 social media platforms that are out there did you even really create it? There is this obsession with sharing our lives constantly in real-time on social media and I’ve been seeing it play out in the lives of artists, creatives, makers, etc. these last few years and it has to stop.
It’s doing none of us any favors. At what point did creating for the sake of creating become ‘not enough’? Is it possible to create not to prove you are creative enough, talented enough, worthy enough, good enough?
To just create because there is something inside of you that just NEEDS to create something?
EVERYONE is creative. You need no other outside validation. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Create what you want, when you want. Share when you feel called, not because you are looking to prove something to yourself or someone else but for the pure love + magic of what you created.